On The Road, Alaska/Yukon


Russ's bike boxed and ready to go.

Russ’s bike boxed and ready to go.

On The Road, cycling the Alaskan highway through the Yukon. 

Breakfast at Birch Lake, Alaska.

Luckily still unused..but always at the ready!!

God Bless America.

Yukon, Canada.

Kluane Lake, Yukon.

“I’d get it one piece at a time and it wouldn’t cost me a dime”

White River campground, Yukon.

‘The Cabin’ a welcome relief after 65 miles and strong head winds.

A biker/hiker cabin with an open door. Free for anyone to stay, wood burner, beds and a shelter from the weather.

Kluane National Park.


Update coming soon…….


Hello everyone, sorry we haven’t had chance to update our blog yet, we are trying. Things are pretty slow out in the middle of nowhere!! We are currently in Haines Alaska, have had some really great days cycling, beautiful scenery and lovely people. Hope to upload photo’s when we get to Prince George in a week or so. So please keep checking our blog. Thanks Lorely and Russ.x